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Displaying 426 - 444 of 444
Details Trial Name Program Market Class Location Year Plot Accession Agronomic treatment
plot data,
trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 82 LCS Drive
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trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 83
plot data,
trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 84 ARSDH08X117-83C
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trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 85 XB1104
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trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 86 UI Castle CL+
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trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 87 IDN14-75044DH
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trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 88 OR2121285
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trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 89 LCS Shark
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trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 9 LCS Shine
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trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 90 ORI2150061 Cl+
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trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 91 Puma
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trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 92 UIL 15-72234DH
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trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 93 UI Magic CL+
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trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 94 WA 8274 CL+
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trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 95 LCS Artdeco
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trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 96 Nixon
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trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 97 LCS Hulk
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trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 98 Cara
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trial metadata
NIdahoCereals_SWW_BON_2018 North Idaho Grains Soft White Winter Wheat Bonners Ferry 2018 99 Norwest Tandem