Trial Data
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Market Class
Details | Trial Name | Program | Market Class | Location | Year | Plot | Accession | Agronomic treatment |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 133 | UI SRG | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 134 | XA3101 | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 135 | Norwest 553;Yellowstone | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 136 | Curlew | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 137 | WB4311 | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 138 | WA8252 | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 139 | LCS Jet | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 14 | UI Silver | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 140 | Millie | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 141 | Northern | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 142 | OR2130021R | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 143 | Juniper | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 144 | XA4103 | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 145 | Eltan | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 146 | WB3768 | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 147 | Mandala | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 148 | LCI 13DH04-16 | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 149 | LCI13DH14-83 | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 15 | XA3101 | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 150 | Bearpaw | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 151 | LCS Yeti | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 152 | IDO1101 | |
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SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 153 | OR2120276H | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 154 | Golden Spike | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_H_W_RK_2017 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Hard Winter Wheat | Rockland | 2017 | 155 | OR2120070R |