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Displaying 1576 - 1600 of 1737
Details Trial Name Program Market Class Location Year Plot Accession Agronomic treatment
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWW_PAR_2020 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Winter Wheat Parma 2020 91 UI Magic CL+
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWW_PAR_2020 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Winter Wheat Parma 2020 92 UI Magic CL+
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWW_PAR_2020 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Winter Wheat Parma 2020 93 UI Sparrow
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWW_PAR_2020 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Winter Wheat Parma 2020 94 UI Sparrow
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWW_PAR_2020 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Winter Wheat Parma 2020 95 UI Sparrow
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWW_PAR_2020 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Winter Wheat Parma 2020 96 UI Sparrow
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWW_PAR_2020 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Winter Wheat Parma 2020 97 UIL 15-028024
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWW_PAR_2020 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Winter Wheat Parma 2020 98 UIL 15-028024
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWW_PAR_2020 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Winter Wheat Parma 2020 99 UIL 15-028024
plot data,
trial metadata
EWashingtonCereals_HRS_RSL_2002 Eastern & Central Washington Cereals Hard Red Spring Wheat Royal Slope 2002 1 Jefferson
plot data,
trial metadata
EWashingtonCereals_HRS_RSL_2002 Eastern & Central Washington Cereals Hard Red Spring Wheat Royal Slope 2002 10 WA 7925
plot data,
trial metadata
EWashingtonCereals_HRS_RSL_2002 Eastern & Central Washington Cereals Hard Red Spring Wheat Royal Slope 2002 11 IDO545
plot data,
trial metadata
EWashingtonCereals_HRS_RSL_2002 Eastern & Central Washington Cereals Hard Red Spring Wheat Royal Slope 2002 12 BR2306
plot data,
trial metadata
EWashingtonCereals_HRS_RSL_2002 Eastern & Central Washington Cereals Hard Red Spring Wheat Royal Slope 2002 13 Saxon
plot data,
trial metadata
EWashingtonCereals_HRS_RSL_2002 Eastern & Central Washington Cereals Hard Red Spring Wheat Royal Slope 2002 14 SX 1501B
plot data,
trial metadata
EWashingtonCereals_HRS_RSL_2002 Eastern & Central Washington Cereals Hard Red Spring Wheat Royal Slope 2002 15 SX 1502B
plot data,
trial metadata
EWashingtonCereals_HRS_RSL_2002 Eastern & Central Washington Cereals Hard Red Spring Wheat Royal Slope 2002 16 SX 1503B
plot data,
trial metadata
EWashingtonCereals_HRS_RSL_2002 Eastern & Central Washington Cereals Hard Red Spring Wheat Royal Slope 2002 17 IDO545
plot data,
trial metadata
EWashingtonCereals_HRS_RSL_2002 Eastern & Central Washington Cereals Hard Red Spring Wheat Royal Slope 2002 18 Express
plot data,
trial metadata
EWashingtonCereals_HRS_RSL_2002 Eastern & Central Washington Cereals Hard Red Spring Wheat Royal Slope 2002 19 Scarlet
plot data,
trial metadata
EWashingtonCereals_HRS_RSL_2002 Eastern & Central Washington Cereals Hard Red Spring Wheat Royal Slope 2002 2 Hank
plot data,
trial metadata
EWashingtonCereals_HRS_RSL_2002 Eastern & Central Washington Cereals Hard Red Spring Wheat Royal Slope 2002 20 Westbred 926
plot data,
trial metadata
EWashingtonCereals_HRS_RSL_2002 Eastern & Central Washington Cereals Hard Red Spring Wheat Royal Slope 2002 21 WA 7909
plot data,
trial metadata
EWashingtonCereals_HRS_RSL_2002 Eastern & Central Washington Cereals Hard Red Spring Wheat Royal Slope 2002 22 BR2306
plot data,
trial metadata
EWashingtonCereals_HRS_RSL_2002 Eastern & Central Washington Cereals Hard Red Spring Wheat Royal Slope 2002 23 Saxon