Trial Data
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Market Class
Details | Trial Name | Program | Market Class | Location | Year | Plot | Accession | Agronomic treatment |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_SOS_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Soda Springs | 2020 | 84 | UI Magic CL+ | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_SOS_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Soda Springs | 2020 | 85 | Norwest Duet | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_SOS_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Soda Springs | 2020 | 86 | SY Raptor | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_SOS_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Soda Springs | 2020 | 87 | Jasper | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_SOS_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Soda Springs | 2020 | 88 | SY Ovation | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_SOS_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Soda Springs | 2020 | 9 | LCS Shine | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_SOS_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Soda Springs | 2020 | 90 | UI Magic CL+ | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_SOS_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Soda Springs | 2020 | 91 | UIL 17-6834 (CL+) | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_SOS_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Soda Springs | 2020 | 93 | ||
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_SOS_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Soda Springs | 2020 | 94 | IDO1708 | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_SOS_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Soda Springs | 2020 | 95 | OR2X2CL+ | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_SOS_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Soda Springs | 2020 | 96 | Stephens | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_SOS_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Soda Springs | 2020 | 97 | Norwest Duet | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_SOS_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Soda Springs | 2020 | 98 | Ray | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_SOS_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Soda Springs | 2020 | 99 | Purl | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_AB_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Aberdeen | 2020 | 105 | Fill | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_AB_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Aberdeen | 2020 | 12 | Fill | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_AB_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Aberdeen | 2020 | 152 | Fill | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_AB_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Aberdeen | 2020 | 186 | SY Raptor | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_AB_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Aberdeen | 2020 | 215 | YSC-215 | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_AB_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Aberdeen | 2020 | 50 | Fill | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_KIM_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Kimberly | 2020 | 109 | Fill | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_KIM_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Kimberly | 2020 | 12 | Fill | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_KIM_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Kimberly | 2020 | 148 | Fill | |
plot data, trial metadata |
SEIdahoCereals_SWW_KIM_2020 | South Central and Southeast Idaho Cereals | Soft White Winter Wheat | Kimberly | 2020 | 174 | Nixon |