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Displaying 26426 - 26450 of 26722
Details Trial Name Program Market Class Location Year Plot Accession Agronomic treatment
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWS_PAR_2016 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Spring Wheat Parma 2016 3 WB6121
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWS_PAR_2016 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Spring Wheat Parma 2016 30 LCS Silk
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWS_PAR_2016 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Spring Wheat Parma 2016 31 WB6341
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWS_PAR_2016 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Spring Wheat Parma 2016 32 WB6121
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWS_PAR_2016 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Spring Wheat Parma 2016 33 WB-1035CL+
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWS_PAR_2016 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Spring Wheat Parma 2016 34 LCS Silk
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWS_PAR_2016 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Spring Wheat Parma 2016 35 WB6430
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trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWS_PAR_2016 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Spring Wheat Parma 2016 36 SY Saltese
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWS_PAR_2016 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Spring Wheat Parma 2016 37 Tekoa
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trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWS_PAR_2016 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Spring Wheat Parma 2016 38 UI Stone
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trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWS_PAR_2016 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Spring Wheat Parma 2016 39 Melba
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWS_PAR_2016 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Spring Wheat Parma 2016 4 WB6430
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWS_PAR_2016 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Spring Wheat Parma 2016 40 Seahawk
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWS_PAR_2016 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Spring Wheat Parma 2016 5 SY Saltese
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWS_PAR_2016 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Spring Wheat Parma 2016 6 UI Stone
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWS_PAR_2016 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Spring Wheat Parma 2016 7 Seahawk
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWS_PAR_2016 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Spring Wheat Parma 2016 8 Melba
plot data,
trial metadata
SWIdahoCereals_SWS_PAR_2016 Southwest Idaho Cereals Soft White Spring Wheat Parma 2016 9 Tekoa
plot data,
trial metadata
WWashingtonGrains_H_W_MTV_2016_NF Western Washington Grains Hard Winter Wheat Mt. Vernon 2016 1 SAS W9 seeding rate 80 lb/acre
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trial metadata
WWashingtonGrains_H_W_MTV_2016_NF Western Washington Grains Hard Winter Wheat Mt. Vernon 2016 10 SAS 14-88 seeding rate 80 lb/acre
plot data,
trial metadata
WWashingtonGrains_H_W_MTV_2016_NF Western Washington Grains Hard Winter Wheat Mt. Vernon 2016 100 LCS Azimut seeding rate 100 lb/acre
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trial metadata
WWashingtonGrains_H_W_MTV_2016_NF Western Washington Grains Hard Winter Wheat Mt. Vernon 2016 101 WA 8249 seeding rate 100 lb/acre
plot data,
trial metadata
WWashingtonGrains_H_W_MTV_2016_NF Western Washington Grains Hard Winter Wheat Mt. Vernon 2016 102 SY Touchstone seeding rate 100 lb/acre
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trial metadata
WWashingtonGrains_H_W_MTV_2016_NF Western Washington Grains Hard Winter Wheat Mt. Vernon 2016 103 SAS 13-66 seeding rate 80 lb/acre
plot data,
trial metadata
WWashingtonGrains_H_W_MTV_2016_NF Western Washington Grains Hard Winter Wheat Mt. Vernon 2016 104 SAS 13-69 seeding rate 80 lb/acre